Monday, November 24, 2014

The Other 3 'R's

Although this video was a little hard to watch, I did make some connections. It really brought to life and reiterated all the readings we have read so far in class. I really loved the Kozol quote that was in there too: “If money is good for rich people, imagine how much better it would be for poor people”. This makes me think of Kozol’s piece and the incredible injustices that were described. One of the parts that stood out to me the most was when they talked about teachers being graded on student performance. I do not agree with this plan. I think that it really puts the kids with learning and behavioral issues at an even greater disadvantage, as if it wasn’t already bad enough. Why would a teacher opt to take them now, if those students are going to bring their scores down and ultimately, reflect on the teacher poorly? Even if a teacher had been previously willing and able to teach these kinds before, it would no longer look good for them, which is an unfortunately unappealing fact. Even though we know nothing could be more inaccurate. I also would like to reflect on the achievement gap, segregation, and school conditions. I think that this is just sooo REAL. I mean let’s be honest, it couldn’t be any more in your face than it is. There is no hiding the injustices between schools in different economic situations, and it relates directly to “the rich get richer, poor get poorer”.  I am so taken aback by the whole situation, and am confused as to why there is ongoing marches, pushes, and talking out against, yet still nothing is done. How does such a huge problem seem to be so invisible even when it is always right in your face? 

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