This week, I chose to write my blog based on the video that Valerie posted, called Love is all you need? I had a few reactions to this video that I would like to discuss.
I'll start with my positive reactions and thoughts. Because this video was based on true events, I believe that it was very accurate to what homosexual youth face in today's society. I think that it gave a very real sense of how alone these kids feel, even when they are at home with their families, who are supposed to provide unconditional love. The truth about how quickly, dramatically, and severely these issues can escalate was captured very well. I think some people don't realize, or maybe even refuse to believe how extreme bullying is becoming. This video provided a relatable circumstance for all viewers which i believe is a good thing, but also led me to the questioning part of my reaction.
Watching this video made me wonder why we need to have issues turned around on us to make us really think about them. Why do people need to be in a situation before they realize that other humans have the same feelings that they do. Sometimes it seems as though others are unable to feel sympathy until they themselves wish they had someone. I do not understand where one group of human beings can determine that they are better than others. I know what the laws say, and what the bibles say, but how did people come to regard their own feelings as more important than other's feelings? To me, this is all about how people feel, and how other people feel about those feelings. Why can't we all just make our lives what we would like them to me. I wonder how people can be so violent, with what seems like no incentive. People act solely on emotions. Funny how these things seem to come full circle. But some one always needs to win, right?
I believe that children need to be taught acceptance at an early age. Perhaps details are not necessary, but just the teaching everyone is free to be who they are. There is not a right or a wrong and there is not a good and a bad. Instead of telling your daughter she will grow up and marry a handsome prince, maybe tell her someday she will grow up and marry an amazing person. Bullying starts very early, and some new voices need to be heard to stop it.
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